Strategy + Execution = IMPACT
“We went from being the Flintstones to the Jetsons in 9 months.”
— Dan Schulman, PayPal
Restructuring & Turnaround
When time and money are of the essence, Princeton & Company can deploy a SWAT team of seasoned veteran executives to help companies quickly turn around their performance, stop value leakage, and preserve precious cash flow.
In emergency situations, we are trusted partners to all critical stakeholders and know how to carefully balance the needs of management, investors, creditors and suppliers.
We have ready-made 30-, 60- and 90-day programs that we can carefully but quickly customize and implement to drive “must wins” for our clients.
Above all, we welcome a “pay-for-performance” mandate, so we have skin in the game and align our interests with those of our clients.

Our Offering
Our Restructuring & Turnaround mandates typically cover:
- Restructuring & Turnaround Strategy
- Execution & Interim Management
- Rapid Cost Reduction
- Revenue Acceleration
- Digital Transformation
- Outsourcing
- Etc.
Contact us to find out more about our capabilities, strategy consulting and also managed services.