Strategy + Execution = IMPACT
“You seldom improve quality by cutting costs. But you can often cut costs by improving quality.”
— Karl Albrecht, Aldi
Rapid Cost Reduction
We believe that a sound strategic cost optimization program needs to balance the financial goals with the strategic and operational imperatives of a company. A company’s maturity, competitive dynamics and also customer landscape should drive the strategic and operational goals of a cost optimization program, not the desires of the stock market. At the same time, events like the COVID-19 pandemic, rapid oil price drops, and others force companies to act quickly. But the wrong type of cost cutting effort can easily paralyze a company and handicap it in the eventual economic recovery.
We support leaders under budget pressure that do not have the luxury of time, and want to enlist our rapid cost reduction expertise, instant cost benchmarks, and ready-made cost reduction blueprints that can be deployed in as little as 30 days.

Our Offering
Princeton & Company specializes in Rapid Cost Reduction as in achieving massive cost reduction in a very short period of time. Unlike multi-year strategic cost optimization programs, our Rapid Cost Reduction programs take a pragmatic view of what measures can be realistically implemented in one or two quarters to drive a significant reduction in cost. We cover:
- Cost benchmarking
- Rapid cost reduction strategy and execution
- Digital transformation
- Business transformation
- Outsourcing
- Vendor contract renegotiations
- Etc.
Contact us to find out more about our capabilities, i.e. strategy consulting and managed services.