Strategy + Execution = IMPACT
“Would you like to see it one more time? You might have blinked and missed it.”
— Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
Financial Services
With thousands of well-funded Fintech companies working aggressively to disrupt banking, insurance, credit card and investment management companies, traditional Financial Services companies are at a bigger existential threat now than ever before. The industry will change more in the next three years than it has over the past three decades.
Interestingly, the threat is coming not only from small and nimble VC-backed start-ups, but also from above: trillion dollar technology mammoths like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and others that have discovered financial services as a nice “add-on” to their core businesses. Given these companies’ capabilities in delivering truly superior customer experiences, Financial Services CEOs better jump on the innovation and digital transformation train before they experience what their cousins in the Media, Retail and Transportation industries have had to learn the very hard way.
Princeton & Company’s Financial Services team can help bridge the gap between Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

Our Offering
Princeton & Company provides a full range of strategy consulting and managed services in the Financial Services sector, covering:
- Strategy and Corporate Finance
- Digital & Innovation
- Customer Experience
- Culture, Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
- Revenue Acceleration
- AI & Analytics
- Sourcing Advisory
- Etc.
Contact us to find out more about our capabilities, strategy consulting and also managed services.